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1.1.3 Source Installation


Most pre-requisites for the build process will be detected when you run the "configure" script, but here is a list of known prereqs that you should have installed: (note - "development headers" are often in a package suffixed with -devel or -dev, e.g., zlib-dev or zlib-devel)

- Package and development headers for OpenSSL/libssl
- Package and development headers for "zlib" (sometimes called zlib1g)
- The "makedepend" program, often a part of Xorg devel or the imake package, or possibly a standalone makedepend package
- Package and development headers for "readline"
- Package and development headers for "libpng"
- You'll also need the "cvs" client installed if you want to download from the CVS repository directly.


- Sybase OCS (Open Client / CT-Lib) needs to be installed in order to build the Sybase driver. That can be found in the ASE Express Edition for Linux.
- MySQL client libraries and headers need to be installed in order to build the MySQL driver.
- "libxml" library and headers need to be installed in order to build the XML driver.

Source Installation

If you want to build from source, you can either do so via the source RPM's, and just modify the .spec file to suit your needs, or via building directly from the tarball (.tgz) files.

Building from source will allow you to customize the Centrallix options to best suit your needs, including optimization and hardening options, as well as other experimental options such as the Centrallix NFS server.

To build from source, download the required packages (or just get and unpack the "Everything" archive), and untar them into a directory, perhaps cxbuild. You should have at least the three main subdirectories for the three required packages. How you proceed from there depends on whether you are doing the build and install as root or as an unprivileged user.

Building and Installing as an Unprivileged User:

Note: replace "/home/yourusername" in the below example with your home directory path. On most Linux systems that will be your user name in the /home directory tree. On some institutional systems a more complex home path may be employed.

$ cd ~
$ mkdir cxbuild
$ mkdir cxinst
$ cd cxbuild
$ tar -xzvf ~/centrallix-0.9.1.tgz
$ tar -xzvf ~/centrallix-lib-0.9.1.tgz
$ tar -xzvf ~/centrallix-os-0.9.1.tgz
$ tar -xzvf ~/centrallix-doc-0.9.1.tgz
$ tar -xzvf ~/centrallix-sysdoc-0.9.1.tgz
$ cd centrallix-lib-0.9.1
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/yourusername/cxinst
$ make install
$ cd ../centrallix-0.9.1
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/yourusername/cxinst
$ make install
$ make modules_install
$ make config
$ vi ~/cxinst/etc/centrallix.conf
    (change the port to something non-privileged, like 8800)
    (switch to altpasswd auth and set altpasswd file)
$ htpasswd -c ~/cxinst/etc/centrallix/cxpasswd yourusername
    (enter a password to access centrallix with)
    (only use the -c flag the first time you do this)
$ vi ~/cxinst/etc/centrallix/rootnode
    (change the path to /home/yourusername/cxbuild/centrallix-os-0.9.1)
$ vi ~/.bashrc
    (add /home/yourusername/cxinst/sbin to $PATH, and
     /home/yourusername/cxinst/lib to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and
     make sure you "export" your $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
$ . ~/.bashrc
$ centrallix
    (now point your browser to http://localhost:8800/ )

Building and Installing as Root (be careful!):

Note: this procedure assumes you are installing the server under /usr/local, since most people will only put managed packages in /usr, leaving hand-installed stuff for /usr/local.

# cd /usr/local
# tar -xzvf /usr/local/archive/centrallix-0.9.1.tgz
# tar -xzvf /usr/local/archive/centrallix-lib-0.9.1.tgz
# tar -xzvf /usr/local/archive/centrallix-os-0.9.1.tgz
# tar -xzvf /usr/local/archive/centrallix-doc-0.9.1.tgz
# tar -xzvf /usr/local/archive/centrallix-sysdoc-0.9.1.tgz
# cd centrallix-lib-0.9.1
# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
# make install
# cd ../centrallix-0.9.1
# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
# make install
# make modules_install
# make config
# vi /usr/local/etc/centrallix.conf
    (customize the settings to your liking)
# vi /usr/local/etc/centrallix/rootnode
    (change the path to /usr/local/centrallix-os-0.9.1)
# centrallix
    (now point your browser to http://localhost:800/ )


Josiah on 2010-Sep-21 15:40
./configure, at least on my system, uses the prefix /usr/local by default. If that's true on all systems, this is redundant info.

Also, if I read the Makefile correctly, the modules_install stuff is done in the 'make install' command now. Is that correct?

Josiah on 2010-Sep-17 12:01
For the configure lines, I received an error about absolute directories when using ~/cxinst on Ubuntu. I changed the lines like this and it worked.

./configure --prefix=/home/`whoami`/cxinst/

Dave on 2008-Dec-12 01:19
I had to run the following command to install the necessary packages before following the steps:
sudo apt-get install cvs makedepend libreadline5-dev libpng12-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev

all debian-based linux distros (e.g. uBuntu) need the following library depedency to be installed:
zlib1g-dev (thanks Seth)

I also needed to install the following dependencies (thanks Josiah Ritchie):
cvs makedepend libreadline5-dev libpng12-dev libssl-dev

It may not be required, but I ran './config.status' before I ran 'make config'

Seth Bird on 2008-Jun-26 16:21
It's not really mentioned anywhere else, but the zlib-dev (and maybe zlib) package is required. If you don't, then you get a very unhelpful linker error that's hard to figure out how to resolve.

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